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How to Strengthen Your Core


The Routine

Okay, perhaps you’re enough of a realist to know that you’ll never have a six-pack. But exercising your core is still important: Strong abdominal and back muscles are essential for doing everyday tasks, like lifting a 20-pound toddler and putting away groceries, not to mention preventing an achy back and maintaining good posture at your desk. Break out of (boring) crunch mode and work your middle with this Pilates-inspired routine, created by Kit Rich, a Los Angeles–based Pilates instructor. Complete the workout three to four times a week to make the most of your midsection.

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Move 1: Knee Fold Tuck 

(A) Sit tall, hands on floor, knees bent, squeezing a playground ball between them. (B) Lift knees so shins are about parallel to the floor; extend arms. Pull knees toward shoulders, keeping upper body still. Bring knees back to starting position. Repeat 15 to 20 times.

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Move 2: Climbing Rope

(A) Sit with legs extended, feet turned out in a V position, toes pointed. Contract core muscles and roll spine into a C-curve. (B) Lift arms and move them as if you were climbing a rope. Twist slightly with each reach. Do 20 reaches with each arm.

RELATED: Work Your Abs in Just 15 Minutes

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Move 3: Side Balance Crunch

(A) Begin with left knee and left hand on the floor, right arm straight up. Extend right leg so your body forms a straight line. (B) Pull right knee toward torso and right elbow toward knee. Straighten arm and leg. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.

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Move 4: Circle Plank

Start in a plank position with abs tight. (A) Pull right knee in and circle it clockwise, then (B) counterclockwise. Keep the rest of your body stationary. Repeat five times, then switch legs.

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Move 5: Sliding Pike

(A) Begin in a plank on an uncarpeted floor, hands under shoulders and a towel under feet. (B) With legs straight, raise hips and draw legs toward hands into a pike position—your feet should slide easily. Hold for one count, then return to start. Repeat 10 times……read more…..

RELATED: How to Do a Plank

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